Monday, December 06, 2004

Another bad tale from the dark tower...

Just found out one of the kids got canned by the old job. Fark. Makes me feel sad...and kinda glad that i got canned when i did instead of now. Like him, i woulda assumed that there would be a bit of job security with getting hired back and, like him, woulda bought a few big ticket items, like a car or a condo.

And they told him that while they all really liked him, he just didnt "fit" into the department. Again, a little fishy. Appears that they either use the same line on everyone, or that they really have no idea when it comes to hiring.

On the upside, it gives me someone to play with during the day. Well get to play together just like when we were both miserable at the firm and hoping that something good someday may happen to us...

Everything else is good. Im bored from not having any studying to do, and am trying not to use my free time to delve into my great insecurities. The rain cloud is gone. I have to accept that im allowed to live without it and actually allow myself to be happy.

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