Thursday, December 02, 2004

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....

one exam remains in the marathon 2 weeks of exams. golly. what am i going to do when i dont have any studying left to do? did i actually pass this time? it sure feels like it. and im not an optimist.

other stuff is going well. yes, im talkin bout IB. he came over yesterday [after skipping work due to excessive hangover]and we spent the day in a twin peaks marathon. not only am i now addicted to the show [im just short of carrying around a log all day and waiting for the giant to tell me clues as to who killed laura palmer..] im also quite addicted to the boy. i was doing my geisha routine and taking care of him, bringing him pillows, glasses of water, making him dinner and rubbing his tummy...and he really liked it. He kept saying he was going to have to pamper me some day soon in return. Hes also slept over 4 out of 6 nights. And no, we havent done that yet. its funny that originally we planned to meet tomorrow for the first so glad we couldnt wait. hes the best.

am i annoying yet? ha. tough.

until then, gotta read the family law [and think about the case scenarios in reference to characters in twin peaks: would pete receive adequate compensation if he and catherine divorced? would shelly and leo benefit from arbitration to prevent the power imbalance?]. run to the light, juicy, run to the light...

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