Wednesday, December 15, 2004

stoned post, the third: life math

Inner turmoil, plus motivation = get nipple rings stretched.
inner turmoil, plus external turmoil = get stoned.
get stoned, plus have internet = blog.

which is better than...

inner turmoil, plus internet = tell off myles.

I was like avoiding him all day while i was all upset about his recent professing of his love to his ex. He tried sending me messages and i logged off. He called twice and i didnt bother answering. He asked me to hang out with him tonite and i changed the topic.

fug. this is dumb. what am i gonna do? ive cried like 6 times today. its so much easier when the guys are just randoms: nobody gets attached, nobody gets hurt. both get sex.

ooh more life math...

like someone, plus damaged goods = sad.

do a random, plus have sex = happy....until you realise what they have made you into. then i guess it equals sad then too.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That's so deep!

Cindy, randomly reading archives.