Friday, December 29, 2006


So its nearing the end of the year, Ill have to do a 'year in review' post soon, but, as most people may know, I frickin hate Jers computer and its a real pain to type things out on it. I actually think part of the reason why (note I said 'part') my drunk blogs make so little sense is that i cant work this thing.

So my holiday thus far: last friday i went out with Jer and got undeniably and seriously fucked up. We hit a bunch of bars, had some drinks, did some drugs, and then danced until 6 am. I was going to try to blog, but by the time we came home i was having some serious freak-out issues and instead laid on the floor of my bedroom trying to measure my pulse, because i thought i was having a heart attack. yeah. The place we stayed most of the night used to be a gay bar and I thought it still was...which is why i was so weirded out when all the men i was dancing with started hittting on me. Maybe it was the drugs ( likely it was) but i felt like a little bunny in a room full of wolves.

We went to Edmonton for Christmas. My dad got drunk and wouldnt stop talking, My mother tried to make us eat. Not much new there.

So on boxing day I was taking some toys down stairs for my nephew at my sis' house. She had just got new hardwood floors which i found particularily slippery. Add a to b and yes, while carrying the stuff downstairs I fell down her set of stairs. No. I didnt fall. I fucking BOUNCED on my back down the stairs. Three days later it still fucking kills and my legs, arms, and back are all bruised. I look like someone beat me with a 4X4. My sister suggested i change my name to 'bouncy' from 'juicy' after my little stunt. FAAAAHK.

So new years approaches. I have no idea whats on the menu. Hopefully it will involve non-slip floors.


Anonymous said...

That bites! I've taken a nose dive after missing a stair or four but lord bouncing on your back? I cringe for you!

Here's to healing quickly!

Cindy said...

Maybe the new year will bring you some skid-resistant socks. I bet they sell them at the old people store.

Unknown said...

Happy new years Bouncy Juicy! May all of your fallings be unhostipalized