Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dramatization Only

( Yeah, so we installed a new spam blocker and i havent had any funny spam emails lately. Sorry. Looks like funny random titles are done]

Anyway, I was watching the tv last night and i saw a commercial for Energizer where the pink bunny boosts a spaceship for some aliens. At the bottom of the screen it read " Dramatization only". Ohhhhhh. So if my space ship breaks down, I cant actually use a pink drum playing rabbit to start it up. Its a good thing they cleared that up for me before i tried it. Idiots.

Last night was my final project night for my drama class. I know i havent said much about it since the first class... but its kinda hard to explain some of the stuff. Oh, we looked at each other...then we had to turn away or say a word or move closer. It was dramatic. (See? Doesnt really work in print.) Anyhoo, last night i did just that and i think it worked out well. The director of the theatre actually asked me if i intended to audition any time soon for any pieces at the theatre, because I have a 'natural stage prescence' and i 'out shined' the rest of the class.

{blush) I shit you not.

I told her i thought it was a little premature for me to get into auditioning just yet... but i did sign up for another class next term.

Tonight the Oil play the most hated Carolina Hurricanes. The team that made me cry. I hate them for that. Im worried that the oil are missing some of their best players from injuries...but I dont think thats an excuse for us not to give an asswhupping. Stupid Hurricanes.

At the same time, the Top model finale will be on. Go Caridee go!


Anonymous said...

Wahoo!! Caridee won, not that snotty little beyotch Melrose.. and Go Oilers Go!!


Cindy said...

Yay for you, you little drama queen.

You're spam doesn't even go into a spam folder? That's such a shame...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I was rooting for the Hurricanes last year to win the Cup. And how do those bastards thank me?!?! They beat the Buins twice in two weeks and end their 3 game winning streak! Fuck 'em!

JuicyA said...

Not only did we kick their asses, I believe Brind'Amour left the game injured. Bwa=Ha-Ha!

Anonymous said...

Not to be a creep, but I found your blog cause I searched my law school and... it was your law school too. I'm looking ahead to a year full of articling interviews right now and I just wanted to say... thank you for demonstrating that my life doesn't necessarily have to suck after grad.