Wednesday, September 28, 2005

All about my office

Right now, I really hate my office. No, not because it sucks or anything, but because its in the middle of getting some sort of "face lift" and there are tarps/ scaffolding/ random cords hanging all over the outside...really professional looking. Also, the noises. Saws, hammering, and (my personal fave) the sounds of construction workers cursing/ yelling/ and talking loudly to each other. Yesterday, while meeting with a client ( one who has actually given me a lot of money, i like this one)the following happened:

Juicy: And how much is the home worth?

Client: About $300,000.000 plus the mortgage.

Juicy: And how much is the mortg...

Construction worker on the roof: HEY! MOTHERFUCKER! GET ME A COKE WHILE YER AT IT TOO!

Yeah. Nice.

So now I present: My Office

( its usually waay messier)

And the view from inside...complete with scaffolds and giant orange tarp
My personal favourite about the office: The childrens books, consisting of "She-RA Princess of Power goes to the Ball". Uh-oh! Looks like that nasty Catra has won the prize!

But dont worry! Here come Prince Adam (aka He-Man) to save the day and award it to Princess Adora...wait. Arent they brother and sister? Eeeew. Incesty)


CBK said...

You inherited those books, or you brought them there? Weird stuff.

JuicyA said...

no they were already here...

Cindy said...

So are you running around the office all stealthy taking the pictures?

(I always feel weird when I take a picture of my cube and wait until almost everyone is gone.)

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed with the office.. so very unjuicy.. Where's the kitschy stuff you always seem to stock pile?

JuicyA said...

Dude, I meet with clients in my office, cant be too weird. Gumby and Pokey are still in here along with my sports car that Jer bought me and my pictures ( of yes, lemon, your children) but all of them are on the wall next to me where clients cant see them..

Anonymous said...

I don't have a pic of my office, but here is how you can create "The Look"...

Take your average office.

In one hand hold approximately sixteen reams of unbound letter-size paper (I hope you are strong).

In the other hand hold approximately 726 manila folders.

With gusto, throw the paper and file folders into the air.

Now add two half-dead plants rotting in the windowsill and... Congratulations! You have achieved "The Look"!!!

Kisses - Carrie