Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The first day of school what it feels like right now.

Me with my shiny lunchbox and new shoes smiling but kinda scared... and everyone staring at me, saying hi, then returning to their conversations.

Ugh. Im pretty much sitting in my office with nothing to do at the new job. Ive set up some meetings for next week...but nothing for the time being.

I dont even have anything that clever to say [ although i do like my new keyboard...mmm springy!]

ps the weekend was alot of fun. Had a great time at the wedding and went to the dinosaur park with Jer on the way home... have some funny pics to post when i get back to mine tonight.


red-5 said...

So bizarre. Today, I was back at the University and I thought to myself "10 years ago today, I was parking in this parkade on my first day of school." My, how time flies.

Good luck with the new job. And don't worry -- in a couple of weeks you'll be so busy that you'll be praying for days like today.


JuicyA said...

whoa-- that means 10 years ago i was embarking on the year i "found myself" in i "found myself" in many of edmonton's finer drinking establishments

CBK said...

Welcome back! Glad to see you again, and best of luck settling into the new gig.