Monday, September 12, 2005

The Autumn of my Discontent


Its cold outside. Yesterday, I was able to see my breath. This totally blows. Im so not ready for this already. I spent pretty much the whole weekend under a blankie watching movies or TV. Im not looking forward to snow-- its been 4 yrs since i drove in the snow and Im worried that Obie wont like it too much.

However, there are some upsides to the change of seasons: I got to spend a large portion of Sunday watching NFL football... Im a Bills' fan, but I like the Seahawks too so I was quite happy to plonk in front of the TV and watch the game for a good 3-4 hrs.

Hockey is also a few days away (finally!!!). The first Oilers game is this Friday...against the Flames ( which means war between me and Jer) and Im thinking of driving down to sweet E-town to go to the game. However, this now means that Jer will be pre-occupied with hockey on a near constant basis so I wont be seeing him often ( or I will be seeing him...but he wont be paying attention to me). He is also playing a few nights a week and coaching: looks like i will be rekindling my relationship with my vibrator, as he usually isnt in "the mood" after playing.

Finally...the holiday season: I like Christmas although i am generally anti-religious in all senses of the word. I dig eating Turkey, getting drunk at 9 AM and watching my nephews open presents. I have very recently, however, found out that my Christmas prolly wont be that merry this year... something about dating a Jew who wont even tolerate/ take part in my family's celebration. Hmmm. Strange he never mentioned that when i was feeling like a left out outsider when i was celebrating passover with his family...

I just realised, however, the abso-fucking-lutely worst part about the weather: no more flip flops. My feets are turning purple right now. I will likely have to put on socks. I hate socks. Fucking weather.


CBK said...

I'm going up there early next month. Better bring a coat and toque!

This is the best time of year, with football and hockey starting up. SO sweet!

He better get his ass to Christmas dinner if you had to endure a Seder. That's totally not fair.

Anonymous said...

Winter does suck... shovels and socks blech..

Tell your man, nothing beats turkey and being drunk on December 25. If he don't like it, stay at home and you can party on!

Deek Deekster said...

I am dating a Palestinian. They celebrate everything...

Cindy said...

90 degrees here all weekend!

Which is just freakin' weird.