Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Stealy Stealerson

I stole this from Itchy...but she told me to do it...so really, im just succumbing to peer pressure.

Assignment from your English teacher:
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don’t speak often or don’t really know each other) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON’T ACTUALLY remember about you!

Ive done this on a bunch of people's blog... lets see if they will return the favour/embarrassment


Itchy said...

Who can ever forget that time we went to Alaska to meet up with one of my friends that I thought you would get along with great and instead you kicked his ass?!?! We're still not allowed back into that bar...

Cindy said...

Remember when we got backstage at the Smashing Pumpkins concert and had that threesome with Billy Corgan and then he remade Landslide and dedicated it to you, then he wrote Silverfuck after me and started copied my shiny silver pants? Don't get jealous, because you know he shaved his head to copy you.

Really, if you think about it WE MADE Billy Corgan.

Cindy said...

I keep screwing up comments. "He started copying my shiny silver pants" that should read.

Monty said...

I don't have a blog, so we could never have the great debate, noe resolve any of the great issues in any reasonable manner.

And, of course, I'm not allowed to mentioned thee time we were on the DC 10 over Denver back in '96 and the Mile High Club, because we're never allowed to discuss that either.

But, you were always much better than me, damnit. Too bad, I'll never tell. Not since that time in ...

JuicyA said...

ahhh itchy, cinders, and monty...you are all right. that was a great weekend

Agent 31 said...

Remember that time you and Cindy sexed up Billy Corgan and I was there holding the camera? That was awesome.

CBK said...

The best was that time at the beach when you dared me to wear your bikini bottom, and I did, but my ball sack was sticking out either side. And then you threw heavy, wet seaweed at my junk when I was sunbathing. That was not cool!

The Lily said...

I recall that day we met. We were little and both our families were visiting the worlds largest empty thread spool in Baja.

We climbed the walnut trees there to escape a pack of voracious pygmy voles and then pelted them with walnuts.

After we vanquished the radib hoard, we skinned them and made little vole bikinis and danced around a bonfire.

I could go on and on...