Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dirty thirty

First: Happy Birthday Jer... its the big 3-0! Woohooo!
I actually have pictures from the weekend birthday celebration, but forgot the camera so i cant show them today. The gist is this: a bunch of drunk people 5 pin bowling and then dancing. You can prolly imagine what they look like.

Second: I saw Capote yesterday... really enjoyed it, for the most part. Hoffman was wikked. I love that guy-- although everytime i see him i can picture him saying 'Is your pussy wet?' [ thats from Happiness, and will prolly garner me some google hits]. What i didnt enjoy was that they showed the execution at the end. It freaked me out...I couldnt sleep last night cuz i kept picturing it in my mind. As you may [or may not] know is that Im a total advocate against the death penalty...and normally a movie or show that even talks about it will cause me to puke. Im not going to lie to you, I was pretty sure i was going to vomit in the theatre. Shit. If you dont know the story of In Cold Blood, I guess i just ruined the ending of the movie for you. Sorry. Well, you had to guess it was going to happen.

Third: We went to the Outback for steaks after the movie. They were pretty good. I give it a 4 out of 5. It was pretty rare-- Nothing pisses me off more [except maybe the death penalty] than when i order a blue rare and they bring me something thats actually been cooked. We were there fairly late and our server was pretty laid back [thats a good thing] cuz i hada feeling it would be one of those places where they are really hyper and wear a minimum 11 pieces of flair. Of couse, I dont like talking about my flair.

Fourth: Why am i numbering things?

Fifth: Its snowing again. I cant wait until vacation. 15 days, motherfucker! I still weigh the same amount...but the squishieness has seemed to vanish some. I think im going to start fake n baking again so i dont look like the pasty white Canadian that i am.

Sixth: I heart Project: Runway and Daniel V.

Seventh: But not as much as Jer. Happy Bday, chompy.

1 comment:

CBK said...

Happy birthday Jer!

I love P.S. Hoffman, but haven't seen Happiness. Heard good things. I'd like to check out Capote, too, but every year I plan on seeing the Oscar nominees, and then never do and then I forget about them. Sigh.