Thursday, August 17, 2006

I want to speak to the manager

I decided not to HNT today. No real reason, except I kinda felt blaah yesterday and didnt want a picture of me semi-nude and looking so boring. Maybe Ill dye my hair, get some new rings, or get a tan or something and then ill be in the mood again. I think its the weather. Its like in the last week its decided to be fall outside. It was only 6 degrees this morning. Fuck. Its still August. This is bullshit. I want my money back.

That reminds me of a story-- one of the chicks i work with has a friend who is constantly sending back food, returning items, asking to speak to the manager, etc. because shes not pleased with the temperature/service/colour/etc. etc. etc. The real kicker is that, naturally, this chick is super wealthy and has never worked a day in her life. Shes 19, drives a Hummer, and spends her days shopping. I guess the chick literally threw a plate of spaghetti at the poor busser at Kelsey's who makes $5.00 and hour when she wasnt pleased about how the food tasted last week. Whats the fucking deal with people like that? Im sure if that chick had ever worked at a shitty, service industry job shed understand why she sucks. And why she has probably eaten tons of spit from servers in the last few years. Why was i ranting about this? Fuck i cant recall... maybe cuz i just hate people lately. And this chick is the kind of person who just really pisses me off.

My hate for people has really escalated lately--its not just for clients and people who drive yellow cars anymore. Like I hate people on tv shows. For example, on Six Feet Under I hate this chick Brenda. Whenever someone talks about her on the show or she is on, I start going off about what a cunt she is and get super angry. Yes, i understand its just tv. Shes just an actress reading a script. But i really hate her. Maybe there just arent enough real people for me to hate anymore, so i have to move onto fictional characters. When i start yelling insults and get angry at cartoons, Ill seek professional help.

Im still thinking of why i hate my co-worker's friend. Jeremy thinks i just hate all rich people. I dunno. Maybe its the scathing little socialist in me. Hmmm. Ill seek professional help on that one too.

Okay, now because i got all my crabbiness out of my system [ no- actually there is still plenty of crabby to go around... just im too crabby to keep typing] here's a funny website. These guys seem obsessed with Kittens. Viking kittens, army kittens, kittens getting married....and naturally, kittens rocking out and singing about a gay bar. I found this when i was in law school and i think i made every single person in my college watch this at some point in time. If you go to the main site, the one about spoonguard always makes me laugh too.


Pusher Robot said...

that's almost as weird as THIS or THIS

JuicyA said...

i love the badgers!

Cindy said...

Another cranky pants! We could start a club!