Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Take this job and shove it

Super Office Space

Awesome. So very awesome. Aquaman as Drew is the best ever.

Today is one of those days where i just want to get really stoned and play video games. Actually, the game i really want to play is called 'Board Game Top Shop' its absolutely retarded and Ive been looking for it for years. Its like monopoly-- except Japanese and weird. You roll a pencil [?!?] and travel around a shopping mall opening stores, then stocking them with weird shit. And your character choices include a 1970s greaser, a dancing cactus, a fat cat with a top hat and cigar, and my personal fave, a TV screen named 'Chat'. Strange things happen like all of a sudden a girl in a bikini named Santa shows up and dances around...or you are rewarded with slippers. Anyways, I need to get this game, get stoned, and drink slurpees. I really dont need to work.

Todays weird site, in the same vein as BGTS, I thank my main homeboy Pusher Robot for-- TV in Japan. Since he sent it to me, Ive been going there daily. I also go to Engrish daily. Nothin like weird asian shit.

I wish they woulda had a Melvin on the Super Friends office space...


Pusher Robot said...

Hey girl! Thx for the props! I was wonderin' if you were aware of THIS. It MIGHT lead to discovering NEW weirdness :)

CBK said...

Jesus Christ, that cartoon was so fucking funny!!! Brilliant beyond belief.

And the answer to who would be Milton is easy: Apache Chief. They have similarly stunted diction.

JuicyA said...

CBK: Agreed.

Pusher: You have just introduced me to a new and dangerous addiction

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God what a great video mashup! I love anything that uses Justice League... but throw in Office Space too? Fuggetaboutit!