Friday, November 17, 2006

Afraid of giant spiders, Nell o neil?

(In the spirit of the spam subject lines I keep getting on my blackberry, I am from now on going to have titles that make absolutely no sense and refer nothing to the post at all. Fun huh?)

Am I the only one who is getting pissed at Blogger about this new version they want me to sign up for so badly? Sign up! Sign up! Then I try to and it tells me I am not able to sign up? Fucking make up your mind stupid jerk!

Yeah, Im in the kind of mood to yell at inanimate objects and websites. Oh! Blogger! Think you are so fucking cool in your ray ban sunglasses and white silk scarf! Well know what? You dont fucking rule and I think that cocaine you offered me is cut with speed because it fucking sucks! Your white corvette isnt that fast!Asshole! And stop calling me 'baby'!

Wow, that was kinda fun. For some reason I picture blogger as a character from Miami Vice.

Im actually in a good mood today. I think its cuz Im going to an American Thanksgiving dinner celebration tomorrow. [ except its on Saturday, not Thursday, and we'll be watching Hockey Night in Canada during it and not the football] Im not sure if USA and Canada have different turkey days... I guess Ill figure that out. Just in case, Im preparing a historical tableau of the first thanksgiving and puritans on the Mayflower burning witches and wearing scarlet As on their dresses and such. [yes-- I know that those are a bunch of different stories... artistic license people!]

Speaking of hockey.... how about dem oilers? I [heart] them.


Cindy said...

I'm too big to switch to blogger beta as well and was going to bitch about the big old notice at the top of the page, but now I won't.

My personification of blogger is much more nerdy and definitely involves glasses.

Unknown said...

"I am from now on going to have titles that make absolutely no sense and refer nothing to the post at all." I have been doing that for years (meaning for months really) and it is really fun. I love the Oilers and I wanted them to win the Detroit game, but I was also cheering for a shootout as well. Hahaha