Thursday, November 30, 2006

This procedure involves the talking implants

Its my belly. It misses being out in the open air and not hidden under sweaters and coats.

First the good news: I weighed myself yesterday and Im down about 4 llbs-- putting me within 4llbs of my goal. Exxxceellllent.

Second-- my doggie is a brave hunter. Last night the Digit cornered, caught, and then killed a mouse that was in my kitchen. Last year when i wanted a greyhound sooo much, Jer kept saying we could only get one if it was a mouser. Mission Accomplished [ it just took him a year]

Im still not ready to have Christmas start...but im maintaining my rage more than others. Yesterday I was at the mall and there was this little old man and tiny little lady at the front of the cash register line counting out pennies and dimes and making little chit chat with the cashier...and of course it was busy, there was only one register open, and like 20 people in the line. The dude right behind the old couple starts to lose it, starts swearing at them, telling them to speed up. A lady in front of me yells at them to 'hurry the fuck up'. Personally, I dont really care. I was just heading back to work, no hurry. So anyways, the old man and lady turn around...

THEY WERE A NUN AND A PRIEST. Not even kidding. He had a collar on and she was wearing a grey dress with a huuuge crucifix around her neck. They were buying some sugar doubt for orphans or the infirm or the handicapped. The dude who was swearing turned absolutely purple with embarrassment. I believe there is a special place in hell for those who yell and swear at nuns and priests. Especially during the Christmas/ Superbowl of the catholic holy season. When I got up to the till the cashier said to me, 'Man oh man, those people better just go straight to confession now...or there will be no presents from Santa'. 'Or from Jesus', I replied.

My work is having an emergency staff meeting now. Maybe its to declare me as the most awesomest ever. But likely not. Were prolly getting sued for malpractice.


Cindy said...

The Christmas bug bit me sometime yesterday. Still can't handle the 24 hr Christmas tunes though...

CBK said...

Oh God, that Nun and Priest story is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. That's so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I do admit that i hate long lines. Especially when you are somewhere such as Canadian Tire and it is a big 2 day sale... line ups from hell... and you have someone who has saved their Canadian Tire money for the last 3 years to make a purchase. Skip forward to 20 minutes later when the customer and the cashier have counted it, and you are ready to take your screwdriver set and implant into the closet person near you... Only 24 days til JC's big day.


The Lily said...

YAY! Doggy mouser. That makes him more useful than my dog who is farting me to death in protest of an enforced after dinner rest period.