Saturday, November 18, 2006

Juicy of the Argonauts ( a stoned post for yer enjoyment)

Im watching a really bad version of jason and the argonauts and its the kind wehre all the monsters are realluy bad claymation. I was getting all annoyed about it and i realised, how much better it would be if there were some robots in it....and lo and behold! there was a robot!!!

[ but not like a lost in space type robot...more like a 'man made of metal' type of robot. Anyhoo, I think more movioes would be better if there were robots in them/.

Just thought id share


Twit said...

Your derrière should be in more "movioes" too.. along with the robots!
(There's a pun-thing in there somewhere but I'm too busy..)

Bliss said...

Cheers for robot movies! :)

~art said...

and naked women :)