Friday, February 03, 2006

Beach baby blahs

I know, its sad and shit, but Ive actually been really busy at work this week. Not even the 'ive-got-a-shitload-to-do-but-its-is-in-front-of-the-computer-so-i-can-really-just-blog-and-read-other-blogs' type work...but the actual go out of the office, meet people, be in front of a judge kinda work. So, its finally Friday and Im going to take this opportunity to do as less as absolutely possible today and waste all my day to my hearts content. And Im ignoring most of my clients. ( Wow. Im a great role model. I should have my own motivational speaker series: 'How to waste time and infuriate people')

Jer and I are planning another beach vacation right now. It will prolly be in March...and likely in the Dominican Republic. Other than that I really have no idea. I usually just go to one of those last minute deals websites and find something like 2 weeks before we leave. Thats what we did when we went to Puerto Vallarta and it worked well. Im pretty damn excited about this....however.

I weighed myself yesterday. I dont usually weigh myself-- im one of those people who can guesstimate their weight according to which pants they can fit into. The pant-o-meter lied to me. I weigh the most i have ever in my life. There are squishy bits on my stomach that were never there before. So, with only 6-8 weeks until I will need to be seen in a bikini, I need to get serious about the old exercise and dieting thing. (Right after I finish this donut...of course.)

I just started a new gym last week. Its a far cry from the martial arts centre i used to go to which was uber sketchy, but a lot of fun. This place is filled with mirrors, workout equipment, plasma screen tvs, and, sadly, girls who put on makeup to work out...but its also located right between my house and work. That means I cant go home without passing it...feeling guilty...and going in. They have kickboxing there too.

So 6-8 weeks... if I go to the gym every day for an hour for those days I should be able to lose what? A pound? Fuck.


Itchy said...

Another person going on a cool vacation. I'm so jealous. I may get to go to Pennsylvania this year. WooHoo. :D

You'll lose more than a pound. I only did half assed Pilates and half assed diet and lost 15 before going to Jamaica last year. I did that in about 10 weeks...and really, half assed Pilates. Oh and 2 mile walks every day. One mile with dogs, which meant peeing and sniffing everything so not a steady walk, and then one mile in 15 minutes. Not that fast...

CBK said...

You could lose 10 pounds easily in that time, with disciplined eating and exercise. As if you have 10 pounds to lose, that is. :-)

Cindy said...

Cry me a river, chickie poo.

Bliss said...

I strongly suggest having one of your internal organs go nutbar on you, resulting in surgery. I dropped 20 pounds in less than 2 months that way. ;)

Cindy said...

Or coke. Do a lot of coke, that worked for a bunch of people I know.

JuicyA said...

I was thinking of getting a tapeworm, but i cant debate the dieting merits of good ole cocaine.