Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hey Asshole!

If you are the owner operator of the above truck, this post is for you.

First, let it be known that I hate you. Not only for the harm you do to the environment by driving a GIANT truck. Not only because you are likely someone who lives 5 blocks from work, yet you need to drive this huge gas guzzler. Ever heard of walking asshole? Its great...except when you are enveloped in exhaust fumes while trying to get fresh air because some lazy fucking yuppie who has likely never been to a farm, yet needs a truck that could drag a barn is fucking up the atmosphere with all his gas burning.

I also hate you because this insane, behemoth of a tank you call your 'car' takes up 1.5 parking spaces in an area of the city where parking is at a premium. A place where i have to go 3 or 4 days of the week to go to court. So i need to spend MORE time trying to find a spot to park because you think you need 2. And do you pay for 2, I fucking doubt it.

The main reason I hate you? Today, while I was at court, you couldnt find 2 open parking instead you parked right against my car. RIGHT fucking against it. The door handles of your truck were pressed against my side window. Luckily for me, fuckwad, I was able to squeeze in thru my other door.

If i ever see your stupid house of a vehicle, I will kick it. Hard. And I am going to this site and getting stickers for you.

Thanks for ruining the environment and generally being a stupid fuck,



Cindy said...

Ooooh, I loathe that!

The first time I was running late for school, everytime I thought I saw an open spot, it was a giant truck parked centered over the line.

Is that your car next to it?

Itchy said...

I hate those fuckwads that think their car is sooooo much more important than everyone elses and uses two spaces...and around here they do it diagonally so you know it was on purpose. Fuckers...

~art said...

you let the air out of the tires didn't you?

JuicyA said...

cinders-- no, thats not my car, my camera was in my glovebox and i didnt want to have to climb through the side again to get out. I took it after I pulled out of the spot.

Its too dark in the pic, but it was very clear that he was about 2 feet over the yellow line. Jackass.

itchy-- there is a special place in hell for diagonal parkers

Daver said...

The parking ticket site is fantastic. I wish I had known about it in the past. There are way to many people in this city who need their horrendous parking skills blatantly pointed out to them.

Anonymous said...

It may sound disgusting but those special drivers i usually choose to hock a nice one on their doorhandles. Sometimes i miss and hit the window, but the jist is definetly there.