Friday, October 13, 2006

PMS induced mindless moodswing babble

I received some nasty emails/ publicity about my last post-- which i always find amusing. So maybe I should just do a little caveat about how i dont really hate all stupid people, i dont think that i am without fault, i dont claim to be perfect, I understand that not everyone has had the benefit of a university education....blah...blah..blah. Whatever. I put up with a lot of people who dont understand things and need my help etc...i aint trashin those people... in fact i know that its part of my job. Im talking about one really person. So lay off, okay?

[Note: The hate mail was less than my tirade against Irina [remember her?]...but slightly more than my jesus-on-a-dog's ass]

Im in a weird mood today. I blame the PMS and cramps. Its one of those days where i really wish that i was an unemployed junkie so i could just lay around all day and not pretend to be busy. Ive also noticed that around the 'time of the month' I also want to go shopping...but then get upset because im bloated and dont look good in things. I also hate my hair....but Ive hated that for a while, so its no big deal. I just dont think i should do anything about it until i cease being a furious hormonal tempest of rage/apathy/sadness.

I bet all my male readers loved that last paragraph. Snort!

Did you know i was a snorter when i laugh? I am. Its embarassing and seems to increase substantially with drug usuage. If I made a graph it would look like this:

Except the horozontal or 'x' axis [are you impressed i remember that? me too] would read DRUG USE and the 'y' axis would be SNORTING and the title wouldnt be about War Veterans but 'Juicy's Snorting as Affected by Drug Use'.

I cant believe this week isnt over yet. Its 1100 am and i want to go home. Now. I think ill go for a 2 hour lunch. Remember how cool it was when you were a kid if someone asked you what your fave subject in school was and you said 'Lunch' or 'Recess'. Yeah, I still always said 'English'. Huh.

Ok im all over the board today. I could just keep babbling all day. I think you can almost follow my mood swing along with me in your book [post, actually]. I started angry, then got goofy, then hungry, then wistful.


Cindy said...

You get hate mail? How is this possible? I loved that post, man. Obviously these hate mail people have never worked in any sort of customer-service related industry.

Pusher Robot said...

just for the record i did love that last paragraph it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ... and ... um ... yeah well ...

maybe you are shopping for the wrong things, if you aren't feeling quite yourself perhaps you should shop for clothes but maybe ... cars, beds, houses, something that you could feel you look good in ANY day!

Pusher Robot said...

that ... that totally sucked ... kinda blows the whole thing when i can't TYPE!!!!

"perhaps you should shop" should have read "perhaps you SHOULDN'T shop"

i'm such an idiot!

Twit said...

1. If someone of that age behaved like that with me, I would naturally assume there was some kind of senility involved.

Maybe that's just me..?

2. Some of the dumbest fucks I've ever met have been "Educated".

3. "Snorting" seems to be a bit of a theme in your life ;]

4. You're a funny rabbit.

Twit said...

5. I am an unemployed junkie.

~art said...

you actually get hate mail? wow I've had several blogs and never gotten hate mail must be some sensitive MF reading your blog. You should flash all of us and see who cries foul.

Itchy said...

I don't understand the hate mail people. At.all.

I love your graph and your explanation of the graph. It made me happy...

Buzz said...

Your graph doesn't represent specific medications though!! I'm calling shenanigans on your graph!

Hate mail is for people who have too much time on their hands, and need to be laid over and over until they understand the subtle joys life can bring.

Cripes, hate mail for Juicy? That's just ridiculous.
