Sunday, October 08, 2006

Tuuuuurkey Time...

And Im feelin fine!

Its Canadian Thanksgiving...which in Canada we just call 'Thanksgiving'.

Im making a turkey. Well, actually im just cooking it. It came made already. I did make a pie. That I DID have to make myself. There will also be yams, roast veggies, and some thing else. I dont recall what.

Did i mention how high i am?

yeeeeaaah dude.

Theres the packers game on. Sweet. I think i am going to write a play about thansksgiving and make my friends act it out. About pilgrims and natives and laura secord and her cow saving canada from the USA. Not her cow that saved canada, she did. She just had a cow. HAha. Dont have a cow laura secord.

I can already smell the turkey. mmmm 4.5 more hours.

I think im going to make arts and craft decorations. Like hand turkeys. [Jer doesnt knpw what those are]



Cindy said...

Canada... so close yet so foreign. Does that mean you start Christmas shopping tomorrow?

Daver said...

Christmas shopping usually starts in conjunction with halloween. That way you can decorate your house to be scary and festive. Kinda like the haunted North Pole, where santa is a werewolf and all the elves are little scary people....uh, Anyways, happy thanksgiving

Unknown said...

some people just make thier nativity scene scary. Then switch it after Halloween. Like a demonic baby jesus

CBK said...

I thought you only baked while baked. ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving!