Monday, February 12, 2007

Heartbreakin shit

Ps. Its still snowing. It has been for 4 days straight. Urgh.

I usually dont drag my own personal domestic squabbles onto the old blog o rama, but sometimes i need to vent. You dont need to read this if you dont want... ill be more amusing in a few paragraphs... And this venting begins.....NOW.

As you are likely aware, I am fostersitting a greyhound named Eva. Shes very sweet, but still a dumb puppy at times ( especially at 4 in the morning when she wants to play/be let outside). I know that she isnt mine, but its also a pretty well known fact that i want to keep her. Last week i asked 'someone' the probability of us keeping her, and he told me, with a smile, hed give me his final answer this weekend. In all honesty, I believed that he would say i allowed myself to get more attached to her...if i thought he would say no i wouldnt had let myself get attached...just to hear from him on Saturday that his answer is a resounding 'no'. Not only that, but he told it to me in a fucking hockey analogy, comparing poor little homeless Eva to a player on the Flames who is on the home team and only gets to play in the NHL occasionally. (yeah, its a pretty bad analogy to begin with, let alone pretty heartless) And when i got mad, he actually blamed his reasoning on The Digit and that how he doesnt want her there. Jerkass, hes a dog. Hes just happy if he gets his food on time. Im pretty pissed about this. And sad cuz I really lurve the little roohound and wanted to keep her.

Okay. Done.

My practice pretty much dies down this time of year. I know its funny, but for some reason no one wants to talk to their divorce lawyer around valentines day. I actually had court scheduled for the 14th and a client asked if there was any way we could change it...because she didnt want to see her ex on Vday.

When I called the other counsel to switch it...he said that actually his client had requested the same from him. Im not too worried about not being busy, because Spring Break/ Easter break are coming up and everyone loves to fight over the kids for holidays. The other lawyer actually suggested we (meaning the family bar) all go drinking on Wednesday cuz we wont be working.

I didnt watch the Grammys yesterday. This shouldnt surprise anyone.

Im tired of the coverage of Anna Nicole Smith. Its really not that exciting... but how did they a get a picture of my fridge on the internet!?

The only thing better than chocolate pudding and mushrooms? Methadone and SlimFasT!


CBK said...

If his "no" was resounding, why didn't he know that when you first asked him?

The Lily said...

I don't understand why he said now as hockey analogies are lost on me. Only gets to play part time in the NHL? What exactly is the real-life representation of the NHL here?

And as for ANS's fridge, wow. No wonder she died. There is nothing of substance there. Jeesh.

Itchy said...

Maybe he'll change his mind. Maybe? You think?