Friday, February 02, 2007

Shiny Juicy People

Haha. I think i need to put this on my cards or something.
Although my latest posts might not show it, but Ive actually been in a pretty damn good mood lately. Maybe because my house is filled with the sights and smells of greyhound heaven. Maybe cuz I made a really really big bonus for January. Maybe Im just happy. Fuck, I dunno.
But what Ive realised is that when im generally happy, I seem to occasionally explode into these Dennis Leary-esque rants now and then over the most random and weird things. They're just like a 2 minute concentrated explosion to release some steam...and then i go back to being happy. So far these are things Ive exploded about:

- The movie Legends of the Fall. I saw a preview for it last night and totally freaked out about what an utter and complete load of shit it is....and how Brad Pitt isnt even that goodlooking in it. ( I mean, as bad as that guy can look)

-The Canucks. I went into a 30-45 second tirade about how much i hate them during the game last night. Then I was actually pretty calm about them for the rest of the game. I actually didnt yell or scream or get pissed at all ( and yes, we lost too)

-The crud inside my toothpaste tube. Whats the fucking deal with it?

-The rant i had about the professor and his anti-blog book yesterday.

Even now, usually when i type out things that make me angry, I get mad again. Nope. Not this time. Weird. Maybe February is the month of blissful joy with some mild angry freakouts here and there...kinda like little chocolate chips in a big muffin. Fuck. I must be in a weird mood, normally an analogy like that woulda set me over the edge.


JuicyA said...

Wow-- new rant-- what the fuck is going on with the spacing in my posts? its like they are just randomly disbursed thru the post with no reason at all...

Cindy said...

Um, I'm seeing normal paragraphs.

(I should be able to work on that banner thing sometime this weekend.)

Anonymous said...

hey in that stupid assed movie with Brad Pitt, who my bride likes pretty fair except she says he is to skinny, there is a great line!
without giving you the whole scenario at one point he say "I recommend fucking"
atta boy BP, me and you recommend the same thing!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the part where the Indian has a pow wow...