Monday, September 24, 2007

The Fables of Juicy #2: I hold grudges

I hold grudges. Its true. I can pretend that I forgive people, but I dont. All that bullshit about turning the other cheek or whatever? Not gonna happen. If you did something to really really make me mad, Im prolly not going to forgive you. Like ever. Yeah.

The reason I chose this little factoid today is because of something I encountered today in the world of facebook. Someone listed on that list in the picture (okay okay... the FIRST one on the list) added me as a friend. Uhhhhhh....yeeaaaah. Not gonna happen. I hate you forever and forever and forever. I aint your friend, buddy. Not in facebook and not in reality.

Other than that, my weekend was pretty much the most lazy greyhound-like weekend i have had in a while. My back was actually hurting on Saturday because I was laying around so much. The only time i left the house was to rent more movies and get Indian takeaway. Pure awesome.

Tomorrow I have to draft my letter to the law society about the cunt. I likely will be in a pretty bad mood tomorrow...oh, and might add someone else to the list.


red-5 said...

uhhhhh..... #5 isn't me, is it?

JuicyA said...

red-- hahah-- no, not you

Bliss said...

I had fun, and ripped you off. :)

The Lily said...

What's articling? Is that a law-term?

Karl Plesz said...

I'm loving these. Looks like you're back with a vengeance. Sweet....

Unknown said...

Girlfriend puncher?! Is that like a career or something?