Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Can't do a little, cause you can't do enough



So, I have noticed lately that there are a fucking lot of reality TV on right now...and I really dont have time to watch the shows or all their episodes of eliminations. However, whenever I happen to watch a final episode for a reality program...I still cry like a baby. I have no idea why Bret Michaels picked one bitch over the over, but his asking "Ambre" (really? is that her name? or is it like Flava Flav who gives the girls stripper names...cuz no way is that real) to be his rock of love? Yeah, I welled up. It doesnt even have to be a new reality show-- I watched the last episode of Amazing Race 3 last night and was bawling when the "Dating Models" won.

What the hell is wrong with me? Are my shady diet pills making me manic?

Speaking of drugs, I saw part of a movie that was on last night on TV-- according to the TV guide, Aiport 77 was supposed to be on...but it wasnt. I watched for like 10 minutes...then realised I had to get high to understand it...and didnt find out what the hell it was til this morning.

HR Puffnstuff

Have you seen this before? Holy fuck. This movie (thinly veiled as a children's show) was the best drug movie i have seen in years. I need to buy it to watch it after the PowerPuff girls and before Sponge Bob. It about a magic dragon who lives on an island where everything is alive and is plagued by a character named 'Witchie Poo'. PuffnStuff is the mayor and helps this australian kid who has a magic flute named freddie. Fuck. Im not making this up. Its for real.

Here is the theme song I found on Youtube. If you have some weed handy, watch the video of them learning how to moonwalk too.


The Lily said...

Yeah i used to watch it when I was a kid. That character with the bags under his eyes used to scare the crap out of me.

CBK said...

That's a classic. I didn't see it until someone bought my son some of the videos. It's trippy, campy, and stupid all at the same time.

Mr. Show did a good drug-themed parody of it, too. You can find it on YouTube here:


Osbasso said...

I used to watch it as a kid, but was never stoned. I'm sure it would have helped!