Monday, April 14, 2008

Its all fun and games until you get salad dressing on the keyboard

Its true. Golden italian plus keyboard equals disaster.

Holy fuck. Less than two weeks to Jamaica. Dude, I fucking need a vacation.

So I was reported to the law society again-- by, of all people-- the self represented crazy ex husband of one of my clients. ( who i have unceremoniously destroyed in court a record 6 times) I was pretty much told by the LS that there is nothing to worry about because they all know this fuckwad quite well and think hes nuts. The actual phrase of the person I spoke to on the phone was "he'd report the guy who pumps his gas if he could find a reason". Apparently my reason was that i was playing (again quoting ) "dirty lawyer tricks"

Dirty lawyer tricks-- I cant decide if that sounds more like something from a olde timey movie ( imagine a man with a handle bar mustache yelling "Curse You O'Sullivan! And your dirty legal tricks!" And then a dude also wearing a handlebar moustache looking like one of the Really Rotten's from Hanna Barbera comics comes out and laughs sinisterly) or a porn set in a courtroom. ( I may not be a lawyer-- but I can sure get you off!)

Anyways-- its a great way to start a monday.

My weekend was pretty uneventful. My parents stopped by, looked at my house, were harassed by my dogs, and then left. They brought me a box of stuff from when i was a kid... including a daytimer i had in 1995. Holy crap, nothing is funnier (or sadder) than reading your thoughts from over 10 years ago...and realising that nothing much has changed. Pretty much 18 year old me complained about people at work ( although it was a deli-- not a law office) and quoted Radiohead lyrics. I was also very excited that on March 18, 1995, I got the internet for the first time. The first thing i did? Posted on a BBS ( remember those?) about Radiohead and how i hated customers at work.


Andrea said...

I want a vacation. Dammit. Will I get one if I spill salad dressing on my keyboard?

Also? Your dirty lawyer tricks cracked me up. Your life is now complete, isn't it? I knew it...

Cindy said...

The first thing I did when I got the internet in 1995 was figure out how to work IRC and get me some cybersex (even though I was a real-life virgin and had no idea what sex was like).

/me takes your big cock like a champ.
/me cums all over her keyboard.

ah the good ol' days....