Monday, April 21, 2008

Ranting on the run

why do people keep showing up for walk in appointments? Why? This isnt McDonalds people! And these are people who have been my clients for months...they know i dont play that shit. I mean come on. If I tell you i cant see you this week...its not because Im sitting in my office with my thumb up my ass. You arent going to catch me sitting around doing nothing.


ps. My fish died. Im pretty bummed about it...but i hope in fishy heaven they remember to feed him a little more regularily...


Cindy said...

I am ready for this jelly.

JuicyA said...

thats good. cuz most people arent ready for that jelly.

Cindy said...

did you set that up or is that blogger? re: see box above comment form.

JuicyA said...

nope that was me... however, i cant remember how i did it