Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shady shady shady (or: a glimpse inside 'RapidSlim addiction')

FYI Cinders-- 'shady' is the only way to explain my diet pills. One step before 'sketchy' two steps after 'strange'. Speaking of which, I think I understand Anna Nicole in a whole new light. I feel like getting impregnated by some douchebag and having a cross-eyed baby.

My camera has been unsuable for the blog lately because I rolled my chair over the connecting wire thing and couldnt upload anything. I just fixed said wire with a pair of scissors and a paperclip. Technology, I beat you again! (**shakes fist)

Here is a little gem i took last week. I wish I could take credit for the sign--but it wasnt me....this time. I almost ran into the back of an Uplander trying to take it...but it was worth it. The soccer mom in said SUV was Not (with a capital 'N') Impressed about the sign.

I have been obsessed with unicorns lately. Telling everyone its my life's ambition to be a unicorn when i grow up and such. So how funny was it when my parents brought me a box of glass unicorns that used to be on my dresser as a kid and a giant unicorn blanket when they came last weekend.

This colony is now in my bathroom ( strangely-- Jer said nothing until I asked his thoughts...and yes, they are still in the bathroom).I am trying to channel a Tennessee Williams ( or was it Tennessee Ernie Ford? I always get those confused) hero in this pic. (If i need to 'splain that to you-- go ahead and just call yer Grade 11 English teacher and apologize.)

I took a series of pictures with me wearing this wig because i think its funny. Dont i look like Im auditioning for Rock of Love 3? (ps. My name when i wear this wig is "Hailie". Hailie needs a man like Bret to keep her satisfied)


Anonymous said...

Hey I see the conquistador made it to the wall.. were the 'rents impressed?
Didn't you have a stuffed unicorn with wings? I fear that one day you will have a picture of yourself with all your ponies, and unicorns ( stuffed and plastic ) laying with you on your bed in the fetal position...
Please don't go "Jennifer" on us..


georgia said...

Juicy, you're funny! You like unicorns huh, then have a gander at this:

Enjoy (there are five or six episodes),

Andrea said...

I believe I had one of those same unicorns during my waaaaay too long obsession with the unicorns. I even did a string art unicorn and it won a blue ribbon in the county art contest. I suspect my competition wasn't that fierce...

Hailie, would you stay here and rock my world?