Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Oilers lead the series 2-0

So Im back...not that i actually went anywhere. I totally have long weekend hangover right now-- y'know when you look back and are all reminiscent about what you did...what you never got around to doing...and really just decide that you shoulda gotten more sleep and drank less/took less drugs.

Yes, drugs. If you havent heard my rendition of 'Just' by Radiohead while stoned...well, its convieniently located just south of this post. Luckily I didnt audioblog later that night when I was so fucked up that I couldnt taste the gin in my very strong gin and tonic--all i could taste was that it was cold. I took enough of certain substances that I was wide awake until 5am grinding my teeth and pacing around the living room. I was also pretty fucked up by what happened to my race horse, Barbaro, at the Preakness. [ I did , however, still win some money on the horse who came in 2nd]

We also had a little BBQ/ Oilers party on Sunday night. We brought the TV out into the yard, invited over the gang and proceeded to mix up some drinks and cheer on the mighty oil to another victory. [game 3 goes tonight and I am certain that there will be more cause for celebration soon after]

So other than being stoned, wasted or fucked up, I spent a large chunk of the weekend doing housework. On Saturday I gardened. We have tomato plants and herbs. Im super pumped. On Sunday and Monday I steam cleaned the carpets. Fuck. Those chemicals alone are enough to give you the shakes. Im sure I killed more brain cells on that then with the blow.

Today is the last day of being 28. Meh.


~art said...

Well happy Birthday to you!

CBK said...

I thought you were talking about E, not C. Damn, Woman!

Unknown said...

29 = Hottest time to be a chick

Itchy said...


I do hope you enjoy it!!!