Friday, May 05, 2006

Picking scabs

I just realised that I do things that I know will piss me off. I read blogs of people I find obnoxious or self-righteous or egotistical just to get angry about how obnoxious or self-righteous or egotistical they are. [ and no.... if you are on the blogroll, you arent one of those people] Or I watch Extreme Makeover. Or read People magazine. Whats my problem, anyways. Im always going to hate Jessica Simpson-- so why do i read an article about her? To get angry. Thats why.

The funeral procession that has been Calgary the last few days is finally subsiding. People have taken down their little car flags, no one is wearing red ['cept me-- cuz i like red], and sportsbars are cancelling their 'playoff specials'. I think it may be safe for me to wear my jersey again.

I just danced in my office for 5 minutes. Im listening to this internet radiostation that plays hard house. It needed to be done. Irs Friday, its pretty outside and we're going for Margaritas for lunch [ its Cinquo de Mayo]. Sometimes office dancing is necessary.

Im making a list of things I want for my Bday. Im not one of those people who will start an Amazon wishlist, though. Its not my style. Maybe once I have it ready Ill post it though so some people [ read as: Jeremy] know what i want. Although he knows i really want this.


serfx said...

you have a car flag yet?
i'm taking a few boxes of them down to red deer, i'm sure i can snag a free one to get to you from there.

oh, and thanks for the add to the blog roll. i just noticed, like today.

Itchy said...

I would dance in my office, and do at my desk from time to time, if I wasn't paranoid...yup. I'm one of those people that just knows that there is a hidden camera in here someone...or a microphone... This is due to a job that I had where the boss would reference conversations that he wasn't even IN the office for. Paranoid city ever since...

And the Roomba makes me think of Buster from Arrested Development. How I miss that show...

JuicyA said...

SErfx: Yah I still need one! Please oh please!

Itchy: At my work they'd prolly give me a raise if they caught me office dancing. But Id hate to think of the other things i do in here that they WOULDNT like... [hnt anyone?]

serfx said...

email me your address, i'll mail it too you.

Anonymous said...

But I AM on your blogroll, and it's my mission to piss people off. I feel like I've wasted my time now, all this was in vein. DAMN!

Unknown said...

There you go Juicy....sorry for my crapatude in your car flag getting thingy. I'm glad someone stepped up to the plate.

OHH...Double dog DARE you to do an HNT at work...ou would be top of my blog roll

The Lily said...

You know, I had NO idea that those little bots were so expensive. Mostly because i've never had enough room to warrant having one.

CBK said...

Makes me think of SNL's Woomba. That was funny!