Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Heads Down. Thumbs up.

Do you remember when there were snow days at school...or better yet, days when only like 10 people showed up to class... and then you got to play games all day at school? Yeah, that rocked. I was super sneaky playing 7-up... I would never pick people who were my close friends...and then i would make eye contact with someone who I hadnt picked...yeah man. I rocked it. [ note: if you have NO FRIGGIN CLUE what I am talking about... then you havent played 7-up and i feel sorry for you. Luckily Wikipedia has a post on it...cuz i aint in the mood to EXPLAIN it, just PLAY it]

Ive been trying to get people here at work to either let me go home because of the neverending snow...or at least just cancel all my appointments so we can play all day. No one wants to work or concentrate. Its totally a sit around in PJs and drink hot chocolate laced with Baileys kinda day. Not sit and try to care about people's lives. However, for some reason, the snow seems to have triggered an asshole switch in most people's heads. So this is my day: I have no concentration and want to go home, and people are calling me and yelling. Makes for a fucking jolly sort of time.

I have the theme song for the 'King of Cars' show in my head. Fuck that show makes me laugh. I dont know why people would buy a $100,000 car from a dude dressed in a blue genie outfit...yet, at the same time, i can totally see myself doing it.

I bet the Blue Genie would like to play 7-up. But hed never guess it was me.


Cindy said...

That was such an awesome reminiscient post. I always picked my friends and boys I liked.

Anonymous said...

I just slapped the teachers pet upside the head. Hee hee hee ;))

JuicyA said...

haha.. i always picked the boy i liked too. Poor Steven never had a clue...