Thursday, October 20, 2005


[withougt csps lock 0
seriouisly why did my oileers lose? so suclky
juict needs a dwrink

AFTER all shre drank alaredy


JuicyA said...

what'> fuck alresadu
i hate the flamers
humoepeedd twivce int ghe pasrt hour

am iu speakijng english"

Cindy said...

Oh honey I hope you call you in sick today. It's all fun & games until you sober up at noon, makes for a long afternoon.

Cindy said...

did you hump twice in the past hour? is that what that says?

you know you're turning into a nerd when you're having drunk sex & you're like, "wait, honey, I have to blog this right after I throw up"

CBK said...

I remember when you were dreading the start of hockey season because Jer would get too into it. So who's the pot and who's the kettle? ;-)

And it could be worse, your team could be the Bruins. What a disappointment they are right now!

Anonymous said...

Marry me.