Friday, April 21, 2006

Juicy A: Extreme Makeover Edition

Well, not really. Just wanted to say that. That show actually pisses me off a lot. Yeah, I know that some of those people have fat stomachs/ big noses/ gap-spaced teeth... but to make them look like Generic Barbie at the end? Yah I dont dig that. [ Ill leave my outrage on Tyra Banks making the one girl get the gap in her teeth filled in because its not commercial on Top Model this week... I mean really. How many people said that to Cindy Crawford about her face mole? Does everyone have to look the smae to be "pretty"? grrrr.... ending this topic now]

Anyhoo.... this is my "after shot" for the show. I have bangs and orange highlights n shit. Pretty wikked. [and lookit me work it]

And Im wearing my Oilers jersey at work right now. It stinks to be in a different playoff city than the one whose team you are cheering for. Everyone is wearing a Flames jersey or something red today. I stick out like, well, like an Oiler fan. Im actually going to the Calgary game tonight. Id trade my first-born to go to the Oiler home games, but I doubt that will happen.

Being that Im posting a shit load of pics's something that made me laugh uncontrollably yesterday.

What do you think this warning label was on:

a) a Spray can of Paint
b) Furniture Polish
c) Aerosol Hairspray


A bottle of Diet Dr Pepper.


Pusher Robot said...

Hot, hot, hot!
(Girls in hockey jersey's ... yummy!)

btw: i knew your warning was on a bottle of pop ... it's probably because of the horrible Soda Explosion of '92 that killed 4 people, maimed 9 others and carbonated hundreds!

The Lily said...

So, why can't you go to an Oilers game? Are they that popular? Or is a matter of Geography?

Itchy said...

I love the hair!!

Cindy said...

Nice makeover. Very intense...

serfx said...

nice hair. looks good with the oil jersey.

shame you can't make it to any of the games, but then again the home ones aren't until next week, so who knows. i'm trying to wrangle some free tickets. i figure nhl hockey + free, maybe then i can afford to drink the $6.00 glasses of watered down beer.

oh and clairebell: she's about 3.5 hours south on the highway from the oilers games, it would make more sence to watch the flames... although i can't understand why.

The Lily said...

serfx: Thank you! I was curious because the guy I am dating is a hockey fan (Rangers and Panthers) and no force on this planet would keep him from seeing them when they are in town.

I'm sorry you have a distance problem juicy!