Monday, April 24, 2006

title: dwunk

man oh man i had a shit day. so much so that i was in court all day, then hit the gym then needed to derrrink.

the dog has gone mad. hes under the garbage can trying to get his ball.

i said that last line with a british accent in mind.

its monday nite, its gonna be a long week.

speaking of british accent, supernanny is on. i love those nanny shows. i have no idea why. maybe cuz my garbbage rolling under dog is better behaved than some peoples kids. quit yer "roooo" ing. [the dog, not the dog dont bark, he roooooos. its quite funny]

did colorado just score? nope. i think hejduk just did. poor turco.

no not hejduk. it was liles. in going to see who scored i fell over the couch and almost died.

when i say "couch" i prenounce it "cow-witch", did ya know that? silly non accent. i wish i had an accent. so much more colourful. and cool.

ug. only 1014. better gotobedsoicangetupearlyand let the bulllllsheeeyit start again.



Cindy said...

I love your drunk posts juice.

I bet you have a cute little accent. You probably say "aboot," too.

I was thinking about looking at microphones to do audio posts here and there, how scary would that be?

JuicyA said...


nope-- its "abowwww-t" only easterners say "aboot"


The Lily said...

You are such a cute drunk poster. I am amazed at your stamina. My drunk posts are generall two lines and then I'm spent.

Anonymous said...

Ummm... if you're thinking of a British accent, it should probably be "rubbish bin" instead of "garbage can."
