Friday, March 16, 2007


Actual spelling my assistant used on Google to find pictures of a leprechan. I had a frickin field day with this... accusing her of looking for porn involving people with skin disorders behind bars.

Holy fuck it took to long for Friday to show up. That is all im going to say about that.

Last night Jer and I went to a bar to watch the Flames game ( actually, he went to watch the flames, i went to eat chicken wings and drink). I unfortunately got pretty damn drunk. I tried to blog. I was apparently too drunk to figure out new blogger, so y'all are SOL. While we were at the bar, the owners of the bar ( its called Kits on 16th) were filming a commercial. We had to 'act' and pretend that the flamers scored a goal. I hope that I will get discovered. If I ever see it, ill try to tape it and stuff and put it on here. Dont hold yer collective breaths on that though.

Be sure to drink some sickly green dyed beer tomorrow and puke in technicolor the next day... I plan to do the same. Ill try to get pics.

And now, Boogie Nights + Star WArs = FUCKING AWESOME ( thanks to Dave)


Itchy said...

First, this week was hooooooribly long. Hoooooribly. Bleah!

Second? I LOVE it! I love it when something "innocent" is merged with something "perverted." LOVE IT! Awesome...

twg said...

Leper-con. Yeah, I'm going to Leper-Con 2007. It's at the Milwaukee Convention Center this year. We'll probably stay at the Hilton next door; you and your Leper friends should join us!