Monday, November 21, 2005

But can ya use it in a sentence?

Mere moments after bugging my assistant for using a word that i dont think really was a word, and making her use it in a sentence...I encountered this on the word verifcation on my blog: fuknbrat.

After laughing hysterically over the fact that i just got in trouble from blogger for being a jackass, I thought that this may be a fun new game... use your word verification word in a sentence.

Fuknbrat: A superior who doubts your word choice, laughs at you, and then makes you use it in a sentence.

Juicy usually is a pretty good boss, but lately she is a fuknbrat.

[okay, i wasnt laughing at her...but it was a funny word... "abeyancing"?!]

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I had mgucnt, and my brain thought, "Magic Cunt" which made me think of Lil' Kim.

Cuz she's got the magic stick, you know.