Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Beginning of a New Month...

Means that Ive realised im broke, in debt up to my eyeballs, and dont know how i am ever going to break even...so i start looking into getting consolidation loans or new credit cards with lower limits...

It also means, sadly, Im in the mood to go shopping and buy a bunch of stuff i obviously cannot afford or really need. (Jer would prolly kill me if i bought stuff right now, our place is quelle disastre!)

I also think, as my $70.00 gym payment comes out of my account, that I should go to the gym more. Get back to the shape i was in when i was hitting the gym 5 times a week.

Luckily, by tomorrow I will have abandoned these lofty plans yet again. Whew.

The first of the month also means i am procrastinating big time at work right now. So here is a meme that Cindy "nudged" me to do....

Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. Learn how to Surf
2. Get high on Haight and Ashbury
3. Eat a hot dog in Times Square
4. Kiss the Blarney Stone
5. High-Five the Sphinx
6. Attend Carnivale in Rio
7. Go on a Hello Kitty Shopping Spree in Japan

Seven things I can do [aka My "skills"]:
1. Hump
2. Masturbate
3. Bake cakes, cupcakes, pastries, pies etc. [ I useda work in a bakery...]
4. Dance [im an ex raver]
5. Parallel park like a super star
6. Be very diplomatic [ like tell people they are full of shit in a way that they think im actually complimenting them...]
7. Drink Heavily

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Stop orgasms once they've started
2. Roll my tongue [its a genetic thing... i read it somewhere]
3. Not answer out loud to Jeopardy
4. Nap for more than an hour [ i get cranky]
5. Live without sex [ i get cranky]
6. Live on a budget [stole this one from Cindy...but its so true]
7. Stay quiet when i see pro-life protesters.

Seven things I say a lot:
1. Dude!
2. What?
3. Totally [ i sound like a valley girl all the time]
4. Motherfucker! [ usually combined with another word like Motherfucking Asshole! Motherfucking Cunt! Motherfucking Motherfuck! etc etc]
5. I need a drink
6. You people are making me bonkers!
7. What doing?

[ED Note:I just asked my assistant about things i often say and she added that i often say FUCK! FUCK! FAAAAAAAAAAAACK! very loudly while Im working... apparently i have tourettes.]

Seven things I find attractive in the opposite sex:
1. Dark hair and eyes
2. broad shoulders
3. calf muscles
4. a goofy sense of humour
5. geeky-ness [ knowing alot about comic books, video games, Homestar Runner, etc. is HOT!]
6. being snuggly
7. cleverness

Seven celebrity crushes:
1. Dave Mirra
2. Vince Vaughn { im my mind, Jennifer Aniston has moved up in the world..]
3. Johnny Knoxville
4. Zack Braff
5. David Duchovny
6. Bill Clinton [ yes, im serious.]
7. Ewen McGregor

Seven people who have to do this next:
1. who
2. ever
3. wants
4. to
5. do
6. this
7. dude


Cindy said...

Well done, and I'm with you on Jennifer Aniston.

If you do a credit card consolidation loan, watch out for the scammy ones. I had some counseling service that didn't even pay my bills, never lowered my interest rates, plus charged me $30 a month to be my bill payers. But with your lawyerin' skills, I'm sure you'll know better.

JuicyA said...

Ug. No worries, im already over the whole 'paying back my debt' thing.. Ill worry about that next month.