Monday, November 14, 2005

Juicy has not been negecting her blog (and other jedi mind tricks)


Nothing like a five day holiday from work that makes you more tired and further behind in your files.

The skinny on the mediation training: Yes, its official. I am now Juicy A, barrister, solicitor and CERTIFIED MEDIATOR!. Woot! I really enjoyed the training and, I can admit, I dont think i have ever been more excited about something work related as i am now. I think I really have the knack for mediating disputes ( my instructors actually said that to me) and if it was totally up to me, Id become more skilled in mediation and pretty much throw the lawyering thing out the window.

Of course, I still need to pay my bills. So I'll prolly just start doing mediation now as much as i can and hope that i can focus more of my practice on it than actual case work.

I could blather about the benefits of mediation now...and why its so much better than court work, but i dont want to bore you. Lemme just suggest that if you need a lawyer, suggest mediation to them instead of litigation. It may work better and a lot of people would rather solve their own problems than having a judge impose them on them. [Juicy now gets off her soapbox, kicks it under the desk and resumes typing]

So, Im back. Sorry for missing the HNT but I still cant figure out Jer's stupid mac works. I was 20 minutes late for class on Thurs because i was doing battle with it. Maybe I'll post 2 this week.


CBK said...

Welcome back!

I've pondered a career in mediation, as I've been told that I'd be good at it, but I gots to pay the student loan bills, ya know? So if I win a big lottery, then maybe I'll follow that dream.

JuicyA said...

K when you win the lottery, let me know... ill open a satellite office of CBK Mediation here in Calgary.

Monty said...

Welcome back, it's good to see you again!

Is negotiation the process of mediation?

We did agree on two (2) smashing HNT pics, right?

Osbasso said...

Two HNTs would work just fine!

I secretly snicker when PC people have to use a Mac. Well, that's not true. I usually laugh out loud! Sorry!

Bliss said...

Well, ok, but don't do that joint opening statement silliness - I've seen that wreck more mediations than anything else....


JuicyA said...

Nah, I plan on starting each one by singing Kumbaya and holding hands......then the handjobs.

Bliss said...

I need your business card


