Friday, January 20, 2006

As seen in Morning chambers...

- a girl with black lipstick on

- some guy wearing an entire outfit made of black leather...including a Harley Davidson leather hat. Saucy. He gets extra points because he got in trouble for wearing his hat in there, and for making the most noise walking across the courtroom.

- about 6 people wearing Sorel winter boots. [Why? I dont know. There is no snow on the ground]

-countless pairs of jeans and running shoes

And my fave:

-a lady wearing a suit,blouse and heels, ...and her hair in pigtails.

Also noted was a lawyer, sitting in the back row, giggling uncontrollably at everyone and wondering if people know what is meant by "court attire". Seriously, there were 29 matters on the list, and only 4 of these had a lawyer on them. Sheesh. It feels like a Friday or something.


Itchy said...

I went to court one time to fight a traffic ticket and I dressed I watch a lot of Law and Order and I know that I should. :D I mean...I was dressed better than I do to go to work - I broke out my interview outfit...but anyway - I was the only one in the room that took being in court that seriously. I couldn't believe how these people were dressed. Though...none of them were in full on leather.

Bliss said...

Aren't those fun? When I was a public defender, it would never matter if I told people to dress up for Court or not - they'd just show up in whatever. "The lawyer said to dress nice - so I'm going to put on my *clean* Dead Kennedys t-shirt." :)