Monday, January 23, 2006

Politcal Apathy hits the Intersection of 13 and 13

So its election day in Canada.

If you arent following the election coverage [ ie. you have a life] here is a brief up-to-dater: we are having another election a mere 2 years after the last one [instead of the normal 4-5 yrs] because there was a coalition government [that meaning no party had a simple majority to run the House of Commons] and a bill which was introduced by the Liberal Party [the party that had the most members and whose leader, Paul Martin, was our Prime Minister] was not passed by the House because the other parties would not vote for it, and afterwards, the Conservative Party caucus [hehe caucus is a funny word] ran a vote of non-confidence...thus ending the House session and causing us to have an election.

Phew. Thats a fun rundown of the Canadian electoral process. Can ya guess that I have a degree in Political Science?

Anyhoo...its election day. Yes, I already voted. No, I wont say for who, but Im sure you will be able to guess by the end of this post.

As someone who has a degree in PoliSci, you would think i would be interested in the election...but honestly, Im not. I wasnt originally even planning on voting. Why? Well... Alberta is a horrible rednecked right wing Christian kinda place...and im a crazy socialist atheist kinda person. I know its cliche to say it...but here, my vote really doesnt count. Its like me and 50 other people who vote for the most left wing party in the constituency...and everyone else votes for the good ole boy who is going to keep our taxes low, our women pregnant, and those homo sexuals from gettin a married.

So, as a public service announcement, I am calling upon my Canadian brethren to vote. Its not as easy as voting for Canadian Idol...but its just a fun. Here is a rundown of the bigger parties [in random order]:

New Democrat Party: The party that says no to the death penalty and private healthcare, and yes to funding a national daycare program and supporting gay rights.

Conservatives: Exact opposite of what i wrote above. Soon to be hosting a cross burning near you. [doesnt the leader look like someone who hangs out in chat rooms luring 14 yr olds to his house?]

Liberals: They are usually in power. They are the baby bear's porridge of the Canadian electoral spectrum not too hot like those crazy NDP, and not as cold as those chilly Conservatives.

Green Party: All I know about them is that the phrase "toxic emissions" is in almost every paragraph of their website. It kinda makes me giggle. Honestly, if I wasnt a card carrying member of another party, Id prolly vote for them.

Bloc Quebecois: Oui, they still exist. And oui, they still want to leave Canada.

So there you are. Go vote and not be heard.

Caucus. Hee hee.


Cindy said...

I didn't vote in the last US election. The choices were too horrible.

Don't tell anyone, they'll beat me up.

Canadian Idol, really? You have your own version?

JuicyA said...

red-5 said...

I hear ya loud and clear. I live in one of the richer, middle-age-ish parts of town (Southwest Edmonton i.e. Riverbend) and its pretty unlikely that the Conservatives aren't going to win by a landslide. The other parties didn't even bother to run real candidates.

I'm with you. Go Orange!!!

Protest votes are fun.

JuicyA said...

the dude i voted for got 5000 votes...the dude who won? 18,000. Thanks for coming out, juicy.