Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy 13 Day!

So before you get all up in my grill about missing the HNT yesterday, lemme say that i DID have a pic ready and planned to post it on Wed nite, except Jer's computer ate it. [seriously...i hooked my camera up, then it said there were no pictures on the camera]. So I retook a bunch of pics, found one that was okay, and planned to post at work on Thurs...but then i was in court all morning and in meetings all afternoon. So by 400, I coulda posted, but i thought whats the point. So you have to wait til next week. Im prolly more bummed that i missed out than you are....lemme 'splain.

This goes along perfectly with my theory that Thursday the 12th, and not the 13th, should be considered a unlucky day.

Along with the probs with HNT, I had a heinous court battle with my biggest pet peeve, a self represented litigant. What this means is that not only do you have to argue against the irrelevant points of someone who has noooo idea what they are talking about, but you have the judge take their side because, well, they feel sorry for them.

I also had a bad headache, Digit decided to eat his metal kennel [seriously. what an idiot], and the oilers lost in overtime.

Friday the 13th, for the most part, has been a pretty cool day for me. I really like the number 13 [duh] and Fridays are my fave day of the week. Last F13 I went into the history of it here and why its actually pretty wikked.

Which brings me back, again, to why im pissy about missing HNT: it woulda been my 13th HNT post ...the day before the 13th...on the intersection of 13 and 13. My pics incorperated the number 13 into them too. Bollocks!

Anyways, happy 13 day from the Intersection of 13 and 13. I should make a greeting card or something.


The Lily said...

Is it Kodak? Because sometimes that happens with mine. And it isn't that there aren't any photos, it's just a software glitch.

You have to access them through your file structure. If you need help shoot me an email.

Cindy said...

I'm all up in your grill.

Bring it!

JuicyA said...

Have I been served? Daaaaamn!

Monty said...

Friday the 13th has always been a good luck day for people who are Jewish, and since you have Jer, it conveys to you. it multiplies if it was already good for you. This is astrophysics, go play with your grill and just accept the science, eh whot

Cindy said...

I was gonna say, "Bring it on" and "cue the Jock Jam music" but now I'm too perplexed my Monty's comment

Monty said...

I just said that Friday the 13th was considered good luck by people who are Jewish. Jer is Jewish. She's engaged to Jer. As in the communicative law in mathematics, the good luck conveys to her also. As in, things equal to the same things are equal to each other. Or, you could pass me another Jack Daniels, which I'd prefer. Because I am upset.

About being in your grill cinders, I have to warn you that I can cook with both hands, and I have 5 sets of tongs. It twerent astrophysics, it was 10th grade math, so, you know...

got it cindy? night all