Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The Conservatives won...every friggin seat in this asshole filled backwards province, and are our new government.

Plus the Flames won last night.

Thanks goodness for Project Runway last night [which has quickly become my fave reality show out there...until top model starts up again]. It was the only thing that kept me from having a Hulk-like rage.


Agent 31 said...

That Harper guy looks hella sketchy. Like... the sort that comes home from work, puts down his briefcase, and makes his daughter look at his penis for an hour while he asks her reaffirming questions about it. Then, when she tells the police about it years later, he shoots himself in the head with a .45 before they arrive at the house.

My condolences. (Wanna trade?)

JuicyA said...

hit the nail right on the head, there, maine.

i still think he hangs out in pre-teen chat rooms as "CandiPantz1995"

Bliss said...


Cindy said...

Is that is wife or his sister or both? They have the same beady eyes, pointed nose and chin flub, don't they?

JuicyA said...

My guess is both, but i may be jumping the gun on that..its likely his cousin.

Monty said...

Is it a requirement to be inbred to be conservative in Alberta?

red-5 said...

"Is it a requirement to be inbred to be conservative in Alberta?"

Yes... yes it is.