Monday, January 16, 2006

Meeeeeem? or Me- me?

No one seriously knows how to say that word "meme". I swear to gawd.

Its 1100 am, I havent had coffee yet, work is crazy busy, half the staff is away sick, and i think im still hung over from Saturday. Ill actually post later, but until then, here are some memes/funny things that Ive been meaning to do:

1. The "4" meme [courtesy of JJ]

Four Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life

1. Hearings Officer at the Dept. of Immigration: I was the 'Minster's delegate' which means, in the name of the Minister of immigration, I got to decide who was deported/ allowed to stay in Canada. Crazy.

2. Deli worker: I cut off the side of my finger on a meat slicer once. Awesome.

3. Telemarketer: "Hi! My name is [insert whatever fake name i decided to use that day...usually it was Lola] And Im calling from the Market Research Department at the University of Alberta..." Ususally I just said "Hi, My name..." and I heard the 'click' of the phone being hung up. Wikked.

4. Not really a "job" per se, but I made money making stuffed animals at craft fairs. They were these little ponies wearing dresses. No, Im not making this up. I sold em for like $50 each. Rockin.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over And Over

1. Trainspotting
2. Team America [fuck yeah!]
3. Jackass the Movie [the hardware store shit is my fave!]
4. The Sound of Music [ i know this as a fact because every year i see its on TV and end up watching it.]

Four Places You’ve Lived

1. A bachelor apartment in Edmonton. It was so wikked... it had a murphy bed and was in a really scary neighbourhood where there was a serial rapist.

2. East Vancouver. Probably on the scariest street in the know world, Hastings. The heroin addicted hookers that worked outside our building sure were nice, though.

3. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. People in Europe thought that i made this place up because of the name. No, it exists, and its awesome.

4. Calgary, Alberta, in a sketchy neighbourhood near the 'red mile' [where all the idiots partied during the playoffs two years ago] and whose address was the very lucky 13 and 13.

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch

1. My Name is Earl
2. The Office [both the British and american versions]
3. Arrested Development [RIP]
4. Americas Next Top Model

Four Places You’ve Been On Vacation

Puerto Vallarta, Mx
Western Europe [do i have to list all 24 countries?]
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Four Blogs You Visit Daily

Adventures in Blah Blah land

The Strait of Messia

Salt Licks and Beatnicks

Life According to Carrie

[although i really just look at my little listy thing and see whose been updated. Lazy, I know.]

Four Of Your Favourite Foods

fried chicken
ice cream sandwiches

Four Places You’d Rather Be

1. At home, in bed with Jer and Digit
2. On a beach...anywhere.
3. Accepting a cheque for a million dollars from Ed McMahon
4. Strutting the Catwalk at fashion week. [I so need to win ANTM next season]

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without

1. Radiohead- The Bends
2. The Verve- Urban Hymns
3. Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream
4. Chemical Brothers- Dig your Own Hole

Four Vehicles You’ve Owned

1. 2005 Jetta
2. 1985 Hyundai Pony
3. 1986 Hyundai Excel
4. My bike [ a 2002 Haro Revo]

Four People To Be Tagged

I never tag...but, uh, I DID mention 4 peoples' sites above [ahem]

2. The Oldest Email Meme [courtesy of Bliss]

Go to your email, and post the oldest email you have in there.

I have approx. 2000 email addresses, but my most constant is my hotmail account. I wont post the whole thing...but the oldest email comes from my super ex [oooh scary!] at a time when we decided to be 'friends'. What this really meant, is he sent me emails every week explaining how he was doing wonderful, dating tons of girls, and was having the time of his life. An exerpt:

Nothing much else is new. I asked out this medical student who was on my unit. We're going out next week. Her name is Amanda so I won't run into the problem of getting the names confused anymore. (I called Mandy by Noelle once, that was bad). Mandy got a kitten that's really tiny and it whines a lot (we're aren't back together thank god).

[Note: Mandy is the girl he ended up marrying a year after we broke up]

However, each email had this real pathetic feel to it. Usually ending with him "reminding" me of a wonderful time we had together.

Joe is here next week for his sister's wedding. He is doing well and is happy. A far cry from the guy who used to come to the cabin with us and be a real downer. The cabin was always fun during the summer, wasnt it?

That was the last email he actually sent me before he started dating Mandy and ended up marrying her. Ug.

My other email addy [here at work] had this message as my oldest:

you are great.

[from Jer...of course. [sigh]

3. Whats my Stripper song...

The last isnt really a meme...but is still funny...and stolen from Cindy

Your Stipper Song Is

Milkshake by Kelis

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge"

One thing is for sure: you know how to shake it!


Anonymous said...

I was with you on the movie list until you got to Sound of Music. Ugh!

Bliss said...

Wow - I'm cited *twice*. I feel special. :)

CBK said...

I might do your meme things, but it's late and I'm tired right now. I'm trying to catch up on 3-4 days of blogs.

Thanks for the name drop, though! :-)