Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fire me, please.

Fuck am i ever unmotivated today. I have a pile of stuff to do, court to plan for, people to call, and im all 'meh'. My largest concern right now is trying to figure out how to get fired by one of my clients.

Yeah, you read that correctly. Im trying to get fired.

I have a client who is slowly losing his mental capacity and, although our ethics say blah blah you cant get rid of him just because hes living in the psych ward, calls you twice a day to say things that make no sense, and everyone else who knows him has gotten restraining orders against him because hes becoming violent, I really cant handle it anymore. I think i may have found a loophole, though, and can fire him instead. (He's not listening to my legal advice anymore...however, hes not really listening to anyone anymore because hes in a state of delusion.)

Im being a smartass about it here, but its really bumming me out.

Speaking of being bummed out [and on a giant tangent], I saw Syriana a few days ago. As a socialist who lives in a city run by oil companies and filled with oil execs, I really have no love for big multinational companies who destroy peoples lives and land to make money from non-renewable resources. I didnt want to see the movie, originally, cuz i knew it would make me mad. But it was really really good. There were parts that made me mad, made me want to cry, and left me exasperated. Its one of those films you cant stop thinking about after you leave the theatre.
Its strange that in watching the trailer, they dont even refer to the storyline that hit me the hardest: 2 pakistani boys who lose their jobs in Iran when the oil merger happens. I wont say anymore, but if you have seen the movie, you know what im talking about.

Ug. Enough about crazy people and oil companies. Im going to go read about greyhounds some more.


CBK said...

I NEED to see that movie. And Brokeback Mountain, too.

Anonymous said...

Shit in their lap. If they don't fire you after that you may manna quit!