Monday, March 12, 2007

Shittin up all sorts of sunshine

Despite the fact(s) that it is 830 am...on a Monday...after Daylight savings time..I am in a surprisingly good and happy sort of mood. I am sure this will be gone by approx. 100 pm today. If I was a betting person, Id bet on that. Speaking of betting, apparently the odds are in your favour if you want to bet that Heather Mills-McCartney's leg will fall off during her dance stint on 'Dancing with the Celebrities'. Some shit you cant even make up.

I just read J-Mo's post on St. Paddy's day. I am now seriously jonesing for some Guiness. That might be the first time i have ever used the term 'jonesing'. Remember it as i dont think ill use it again any time soon.

I saw 300 this weekend. It FUCKING RULED WOOOO MUTHAFUCKA. I wrote a paper once on the battle of Thermopylae, so maybe thats why i was so fricking excited about it...or the fact that its based on a graphic novel. Anyways, I did want to stab someone or decapitate someone in the name of Sparta after i left the theatre. Then me and Jer bought a bunch of candy so I was dealing with blood lust AND a sugar high. I was running all over the mall, no make that bouncing all over the mall yelling about how 'This is SPARTAAAA!.'

This weekend was super nice out so i broke out the warmer weather clothes. Nothing is a better feeling than realising that the pants that were fitted in September are now waaaay too big.

One year ago I was heading here:

Vacation time t- 8 weeks. Any suggestions where we should go?


CBK said...

I'm not interested in seeing "300", but I'd pay to see you reenact it in a mall, high on candy and bloodlust. :-)

The Lily said...

Wasn't it the fucking best??? Especially when the queen stabbed the traitor. Everyone in the audience clapped.

THe only issue I had was someone brought their 8 year old to this movie. How is that good parenting?

JuicyA said...

OMG! That was my issue to...a lady brought her 2 kids that were maybe 10...then she covered their eyes during the boob scenes...but not any of the decapitation scenes.

Yeah, the queen friggin ruled. "This wont be fast and it wont be pleasurable"

Buzz said...

Go to San Diego.

That is all,


Bliss said...

Two words.



Except I think they string it together, so it'd be only one word.

But you get the jist.

Unknown said...

Aren't you Canadian? Do you even celebrate Daylight Savings Time? Pagans.

JuicyA said...

being pagan doesnt mean i dont celebrate daylight savings. its a friggin pagan holiday extravaganza!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus! Not Disney, i would have thought you would rather eat your own young before considering Disney! What about Costa Rica? Bahamas? Much more likely to see Juicy sucking on a tropical drink than smiling all Goofy..


The Lily said...

Go to Egypt! Why? because I want to go and can't afford it. Allow me to live vicariously!

Cindy said...

I broke out the summer clothes and am just thankful that they're not too small. Not too big though, but at least not too small.

Bliss said...

Yes, but we'll also be missing out on pictures of JuicyA humping Goofy's leg. *That* would be awesome. :)