Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tylenol Cold and Sinus is the new crack

Fucking blogger has been censoring me for the last 3 days-- it keeps stopping me from posting anything. Fuckhead.

Im on some serious cold medication right now and im having problems typing. It took me 3 tries to spell 'fuck'. I almost sent an email to a client this morning that suggested she and her husband try medication. I meant to write mediation. That woulda been a little innapropriate. Funny, but innaprropriate.

innnnaaaappppropppriate. just fucking double and tripple allll the connnsannannts whennn i cannnt type.

Speaking of drugs, I seriously feel stoned right now.

On Friday night me and Jer went over to a friends' house and played his Wii. Fuck was that fun. However, I quickly realised that the ahem 'mediation' I was on that night made me very twitchy and irritable when it came to trying the golf game...but turned me into frickin mike tyson when i played the boxing. Maybe thats why you dont hear about Tiger Woods' blow habit in the news.

I still really want a Wii, just dont expect to have me play that golf game,man.

I should go to the gym, but i dont think i should operate and heavy machinery and that elliptical could be dangerous. C'est Dangereux!

[this is funny because on New Years that was the name of the DJ who was spinning at the bar we were at and he kept saying his name repeatedly in the middle of songs... C'est Dangereux! C'est Dangereux! C'est Dangereux! C'est Dangereux! I havent been so annoyed since those Head On! Commercials. Apply directly to the Forehead! Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!Apply directly to the Forehead!

Yeah. Im out.


J-Mo said...

I thought i was the only one whod seen those annoying head on commercials. they're so obnoxious!

Anonymous said...

Head on, c'est Dangereux! Two great tastes that taste great together.