Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Question: Am i more bored, sad, or annoyed?

Im sorry Im not really in a blogging mood right now. Which is weird, cuz up to 2 minutes ago I was all gung ho and shit...but now its gone. I feel like a lump of mashed potatoes. I was at a conference yesterday where i kept kicking myself to stay awake and I think im still in that kinda mood.

Im also kinda down because my assistant just brought up Barbaro being put down on Monday to me...which absolutely depressed me yet again for the millionth time in the last 2 days. Yesterday I was late for my acting class because I was sitting in my car crying. Such a suck, I know. Its just that when i think about the fate of little racehorses, which sometimes is worse than that of retired greyhounds (with exception to the 2 little spoiled ones in my house), I get sad.


Im also fucking freezing. Isnt there any heat in this place? Huh. I dunno.

Now I have a client on the phone with me. She wont stop babbling.

Seriously 25 min. of her going on.

Another 14min. no end in sight.

shes talking about renovations to a home now? fuck! what is she on?

now her family's medical conditions....

I wish it was 5pm.

I have been on the phone for 1 hour and 37 min.

no end in sight.


HOLY FUCKING CHRIST! I was just about to hit 'publish' when the receptionist told me she is BACK ON THE PHONE. Apparently 1 hr 58 min was not long enough.

(ps. thats a $400.00 phone call)

I told the receptionist to tell her i was trying to kill myself with a ballpoint pen and to take a message.

Whoa. I apparently had more to blog about that i thought...


Anonymous said...

mid - late april
hopefully at the underground
its still a cool bar right?

also i'll now read your post and make a comment

~art said...

I feel your pin on the call. I only wish I made as much as you for it. ~art

JuicyA said...

serfx: underground is still ok, ive seen some good shows there in the last year. You may also want to try the castle-- i think they are a venue that would dig yer kinda music.

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