Friday, December 30, 2005

Its a dog's life....

Presenting Digit... in full mouse hunting mode. For someone bred to run like the wind, he sure is clumsy and likes to sleep a lot. And man oh man, dont even get me started on the smell of greyhound farts. But hes been a pretty good boy and only left us one 'present' in the living room so far.

Other than the obvious, I havent been up to too much. Christmas with the family was typical: they drank a lot said some weird things [the first thing my father said to me was 'Whoa, you sure are getting fat'] and we ate a shitload of turkey and turkey related side dishes. Jer had his first Christmas and seems to have come thru fairly unscathed. I think his overall opinion was that Christmas = presents and food; therefore, Christmas = Good.

Someone dented my poor baby car over the last week. If I find out who you are... i will dent you one in return.

New Years is pretty much sounding like Ill be hitting a houseparty, eating a bunch of shit, drinking, and [d'oh] watching 6 hours of hockey. Yeah. My boy sure knows how to party. Speaking of food... I think i will be making a large selection of the food....likely this afternoon and likely while stoned.

If i dont blog until then, happy 2006 y'all and may all your days be merry and bright and not smell like greyhound farts...


Cindy said...

No Cooking Under the Influence with Juicy posts? Damnit.

JuicyA said...

i decided to cook tomorrow... and becuz its NYE, I technically get to be wasted all day tomorrow anyhoo

Itchy said...

I love him...much as I'm sure you do. One think I read about greyhounds is that they really do not like to run that much. Go figure... (I'm fairly sure I read that anyway...)

Happy New Year!