Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Oh Senor Juan!

Remember the Senor?

You are a celebrity, baby!

According to Stat counter, he has been googled as "conquistador painting" 3 times in the last week! So to the good people at the Westin Diplomat Hotel in Florida, thank you. I am sure he enjoys the attention. I take back what i said about Florida. [ haha yes im kidding...]

[in case you are wondering where he was placed in my new house with Jer, do not worry...he hasnt been downgraded to a cellar or basement, he is on the bedroom wall opposite of the bed. Deee-lightful. Every morning i wake to his noble and determined face.]


CBK said...

The one with the vagina will ALWAYS win the decorating argument. Congratulations!

Monty said...

I don't blame you a bit about Florida.