Tuesday, December 20, 2005


JJ tagged me. I dunno, maybe he didnt like the Christmas Card i sent him and his Italian Greyhound, JD. *sniff*

You get one wish of anything, what would you ask for?

Stronger sentences for parole violators...and world peace. [yes, I really liked Miss Congeniality]

Actually... I got what i wanted yesterday: Jer and I are adopting a retired ex-racing Greyhound and the Oilers won over the Flames in a brilliant exhibition of style, charisma, and excellent scoring chances.

Wish for 6 more wishes.

1. Nice weather during my week off... Id like to take my BMX for a spin. Its like 6 degrees out right now.

2. To win the lottery and be able to become what i truly desire: A socialite.

3. Then I could also volunteer for free to Amnesty International as a Civil Rights lawyer to fight the Death Penalty in other countries...while also wearing Versace fashion and with a glass of Veuve Cliquot in one hand and a coke vial in the other.

4. Super powers would be cool too. Id like to be able to stop time, fly, and shoot fire out of my finger tips.

5. I could use a drink right now.

6. Eternal hapiness for me, my Jer, my family, my soon to be doggie, and all my readers out there [house lights go on in the audience].

What animal would you be?

A wild pony. Or a Siamese Fighting Fish...Kingsley's got it pretty good.

Something you want to do in your life:

See above....#3

One song you could listen to over and over again:

Any song over and over again would drive me bonkers...but Im going to say Lucky Man by the Verve. Cuz when i was studying for the LSAT I had this tape where it played non stop to relax me when i went to sleep...and it totally worked. Or "Hollaback Girl" cuz it was stuck in my head for about 4 months this summer and it didnt [completely] make me go crazy.

Coke or Pepsi?


Something you currently desire:

Some more of those chocolate covered Almonds on my assistant's desk. Is it abusing my power if i order her to bring them to me? You! Girl! Get me those chocolates!

One good deed you’ve done lately:

Im a sucker for those 'Santa's Anonymous' campaigns where you buy a bunch of toys for less fortunate kids...on Friday I bought 4 boxes of Legos for the charity. *blush*

A funny moment in your life:

So this one time, Juicy walked into a Bar and *thunk*

Im not tagging anyone... but anyone who is interested may steal...[ i like the passive aggressive approach]


CBK said...

So JJ got a card? I haven't seen mine yet. Hmmmm.

JuicyA said...

CBK: yes, you got a card mailed to you. I dont know where it is... Even Skindee got her socks already .

Anonymous said...

Shit that was fast! You must have the same workload that I have these days.

Card? Maybe the postman has a problem delivering mail from Canada. I'm going to punch that postman in the face!

Cindy said...

You know, there was a time when I wished for weaker sentences for parole violators...

So my socks got through customs, but what did they get... drugs? (I just got them Monday, but I'm a little closer than Philly.)