Monday, March 13, 2006

Beach Baby

So...its finally here! I leave for the Dominican in 18 hours!

I planned on asking y'all for your addresses for post cards earlier, but Ive been pretty busy trying to get all my shit in gear lately. So, I might have missed the gun on this, but if I get them emailed to me by 400 MST today, I can send you some shit. [send em to the drugsmakemecool addy over there -->]

I talked about having someone guest blog while i was gone [and thanks to Monty and CBK who offered] but I think I'll just keep the old Intersection 13 x13 in hiatus for the next week. Id feel bad making someone else do the work while I sit on the beach. Although, CBK, I will be sending you some fishnets so you can do that HNT, as promised.

Ahhh, tomorrow at this time Ill be drunk on a beach...fucken eh!

Have a good week, everyone. Big Kisses


Itchy said...

You have no idea how much I wish I were you at this very moment. Have fun...have a drink for me...and have more fun!

CBK said...

Have a great, great, great, great time!!!

Cindy said...

Oh I shall miss you!

The Lily said...

Have a GREAT time! I will be here waiting for spring to actually spring and living vicariously.