Friday, March 31, 2006


I cant even think of something witty to say. Im too disturbed.

AP - Tue Mar 28, 3:49 PM ET This photograph, released by sculptor Daniel Edwards on Tuesday, March 28, 2006,shows his sculpture of singer Britney Spears giving birth. The life-sized 'Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston,' seen at the artists studio in in Moosup, Conn., will be shown at the Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery in the Williamsburg section of New York beginning April 7. (AP Photo/Daniel Edwards)

I think i need to go puke.


Cindy said...

Hey, at least they didn't show the other angle. Then you'd definitely be puking.

But really, that doesn't even look like her.

JuicyA said...

It totally doesnt-- it'd need a smoke in her mouth and a bag of cheetos in her hand... but really, what the deal with the bear skin rug?

Pusher Robot said...

i'm with cinders on this one ... if the article didn't say who it was i would still be in the dark. speaking of which ... wish i was in the dark ... thanks a lot ... i'm sure that won't help me sleep any better

perfectly good way to ruin a bear skin rug too i might add.

and you did notice that it is "Pro-Life" so let's depict it on a DEAD animal .... hmmmm

Agent 31 said...

THAT'S Britney? What happened to the non-stop skank that wafts from her pores? That statue almost looks respectable.

Itchy said...

I've been disturbed for a week with this one.

1 - she had a planned C-section. Didn't even "birth" the baby.

2 - why assume that a woman that had a baby is "Pro-Life"

3 - It's Britney Fucking Spears! On a bear skin rug. Doggy style birthin' a baby! Can you say skeeevy? Oh I think you can.

Cindy said...

And how do you birth a baby doggy style? Is that even possible? What happened to the good ol' feet in the stirrups push push push thing?

You know the artist probably is just some sick fuck who made it (maybe it's like a paper-mache blowup doll and he has a preggers fetish) and then afterwards said, "yeah this is britney" for publicity. Worked, didn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well now we know what Britney will look like for her next career path... porn!

Kisses - Carrie

The Lily said...

I can't see the pop-tart as representative of anything other than conspicuous consumerism and bad choices in men.

But hey, I'm not an artist. What do I know?